Sunday, 20 October 2013

Evaluation Of My Business Card

What went well in my Business Card?
My Business card did go well as I like my final design of my business card. In my business card, I have used more colour than I did on my initial draft drawings which is good cause it's more eye catching. I have also used black for my background to make the colours of the word more stand out on my business card.

What didn't go well in my Business Card?
My business card didn't go well as I think my business card is too plain and I think I should put more drawings on the business card to make it more entertaining.

What did I enjoy through the process?
I enjoyed using Photoshop to create my own business card although I have difficulties using Photoshop in the process but I have developed and improved more of my skills in Photoshop through the process of making the business card and I have learn more different tools in Photoshop to improve the looks of my finished business card.

What didn't I enjoy through the process?
There wasn't anything that I didn't enjoy through the process in this project.

How would I change it?
If I could change it and do it again, I would add more bright colour to make it stand out more and that I could add more little drawings on to make it more entertaining.

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